Archievements: |
【Journal Paper】 [01] Changlong Jin and Hakil Kim, “Pixel-level singular point detection from multi-scale Gaussian filtered orientation field,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 43, No. 11, pp. 3879-3890, 2010. [02] Changlong Jin and Hakil Kim, “High-resolution orientation field estimation based on multi-scale Gaussian filter”, IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 6, No. 24, pp.1781-1787, 2009. [03] De-chang Wang, Xuenan Cui, Eunsoo Park, Changlong Jin, Hakil Kim, “Adaptive flame detection using randomness testing and robust features,” Fire Safety Journal Vol.55, pp. 116-125, 2013. [04] Shengzhe Li, Hakil Kim, Changlong Jin, Stephen Elliott, Mingjie Ma, “Assessing the level of difficulty of fingerprint datasets based on relative quality measures,” Information Sciences, Vol. 268, No. 1, pp. 122-132, 2014. [05] Changlong Jin, Hakil Kim and Stephen Elliott, “Matching Performance-Based Comparative Study of Fingerprint Sample Quality Measures,” Journal of Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 11-25, 2009. [06] S. Hong, S. Lee, Y. Chung, W. Choi, D. Moon, K. Moon, Changlong Jin and Hakil Kim, “Maximizing WSQ Compression Rate by Considering Fingerprint Image Quality,” Journal of Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 23-30, 2010 【Conference Paper】 [01] Changlong Jin, Shengzhe Li, Hakil Kim, and Ensoo Park, “Fingerprint liveness detection based on multiple image quality features,” lecture notes in computer science , Vol. 6513, pp. 281-291, 2010. [02] Changlong Jin, Hakil Kim and Stephen Elliott, “Liveness Detection of Fingerprint Based on Band-Selective Fourier Spectrum,” lecture notes in computer science, vol. 4817, pp. 168–179. Springer, Heidelberg, 2007. [03] Changlong Jin, Hakil Kim, Xuenan Cui, Eunsoo Park, Junchul Kim, Jinsoo Hwang and Stephen Elliott, “Comparative Assessment of Fingerprint Sample Quality Measures Based on Minutiae-based Matching Performance,” proceedings in Inter. Sym. on Elec. Comm. and Sec., Vol. 1, pp. 309-313, 2009. [04] Stephen J. Elliott, Shimon K. Modi, Lou Maccarone, Matthew R. Young, Changlong Jin and Hale Kim, “Image Quality and Minutiae Count Comparison for Genuine and Artificial Fingerprints,” Proceedings in Security Technology, 2007 41st Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on. pp. 30-36, 2007. [05] Changlong Jin, Shengzhe Li and Hakil Kim, "Type‐Independent Pixel‐Level Alignment Point Detection for Fingerprints," 2011 International Conference on Hand-Based Biometrics, at Hongkong, Nov. 2011 [06] Shengzhe Li, Changlong Jin, Hakil Kim and Stephen Elliott, "Assessing the Difficulty Level of Fingerprint Datasets Based on Relative Quality Measures," 2011 International Conference on Hand-Based Biometrics, pp. 23-28, Hongkong, Nov. 2011. [07] Changlong Jin, H. Nguyen, and H. Kim, “Empirical study on liveness detection of fingerprint,” Conference on Information Security and Cryptology , Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 241 - 245, 2006. [08] Changlong Jin and H. Kim, “Fingerprint Segmentation Based on Discrete Fourier Transform,” Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 739 - 742, 2007. [09] Changlong Jin and H. Kim, “Performance study on methodologies of quality evaluation of fingerprint,” Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 147 - 152, 2008. [10] Changlong Jin and H. Kim, “Comparative Assessment of Fingerprint Sample Quality Measures,” Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 228 - 232, 2008. [11] Changlong Jin and H. Kim, “Gaussian Filter-Based Directional Fields Estimation in Fingerprint Images,” 21st Image Processing and Image Understanding workshop, pp. 341 - 344, 2009. [12] Changlong Jin and H. Kim, “Singular Point Detection from High-resolution Orientation Field,” Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 313 - 317, 2009. [13] S. Li, Changlong Jin and H. Kim, “Fake Fingerprint Detection Based on the Pressure and Contour Shape,” 22th Image Processing and Image Understanding workshop, 2010. |